About the agency

On September 1, 2023, the Mykolaiv Regional Council together with the Military Administration of Mykolaiv Region announced the establishment of a new key institution - the Mykolaiv Regional Development Agency.

The main tasks of the Agency are to accelerate the reconstruction of Mykolaiv region and attract resources that will help create a comfortable space for the development of the region


Mykolaiv Regional Council


Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration

Our team



Acting Director of the Agencyau.km.ycnega%40vokbab



Investment attraction specialistau.km.ycnega%40hcyveialokin



Regional development specialistau.km.ycnega%40kuidud



Business support expert



Expert on the development of access to education

Supervisory Board

1. Mykola MARINOV

Deputy Head of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration (Deputy Head of Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration for the period of martial law)

2. Alexander KOROLOV

Director of the Department of Economic Development and Regional Policy of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration

3. Anastasia TODOROVA

Deputy Director of the Department of Economic Development and Regional Policy of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration

4. Pankul Inna

Head of the Investment Activity Division of the Regional Development and Investment Directorate of the Department of Economic Development and Regional Policy of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration

5. Denis ANDREEV

Member of the Regional Council, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Regional Council on Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, Law and Order, Anti-Corruption and Regulatory Policy, Regulations, Deputy Activities and Ethics, and Communication Policy

6. BOYKO Valentin

Member of the Regional Council, member of the Standing Committee of the Regional Council on the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, Law and Order, Anti-Corruption and Regulatory Policy, Regulations, Deputy Activities and Ethics, and Communication Policy

7. PLITKIN Alexander

Member of the Regional Council, member of the Standing Committee of the Regional Council on Social Policy, Healthcare, Maternity, Childhood, Protection of the Rights of ATO/JFO Participants and Veterans and Their Families, Gender Equality

8. Vladimir Vysotsky

Member of the regional council, deputy chairman of the standing committee of the regional council on the protection of human rights and freedoms, law and order, anti-corruption and regulatory policy, regulations, deputy activities and ethics, communication policy

Areas of activity

Restoring the region

    Maximize investment and grant programs to restore and modernize damaged housing and social infrastructure in the affected communities
    Systematization and updating of information on all types of damage in Mykolaiv region
    Advice and development of project applications, application forms, project budget, annexes in accordance with donor requirements, which can help in the reconstruction of the affected facilities

Development of local communities

    Attracting investments to ensure the development of the region and individual territorial communities of Mykolaiv region
    Developing and ensuring the implementation of a community development strategy, providing support at all stages of its implementation
    Consultations and preparation of documentation for grant funding
    Consulting and methodological assistance, organization and conduct of training programs and educational events for local government representatives

Attracting investment and supporting business

    Attracting international technical assistance programs for entrepreneurs and businesses in Mykolaiv region
    Analysis of socio-economic development of the region
    Holding educational events for the business community
    Establishing communication between entrepreneur-community-investor
    Support of investment projects